Thursday, November 29, 2012

{ 'N Rage Demi Twisted Teal } - Hair Dye Review

I got my hair bleached & dyed N Rage Demi Twisted Teal back in January. I love it! It stayed vibrant for over 4 weeks and faded into an emerald green. I washed my hair about 2x a week with conditioner and cold water only.

Day 1.
Around 4-6 weeks.

The dye does bleed/stain quite a bit but I think it's worth it over dyes that fade within 1-2 weeks. It's been about 10 months and I still have some pale green sections.

I got my hair bleached several days ago and I'm going to try N' Rage's Purple Plum when I find the time!! There's a lot of mixed reviews on that color so I'm wondering how it'll turn out on me. Some say it comes out too dark or that it's more blue than purple. I'm hoping for the purple in the color swatch~